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Sciatica treatment by experts in Worcester
Osteopathy is a recognised system of diagnosis and treatment with emphasis on the structural and functional integrity of the body. At Peter Jones Osteopath, we treat a wide range of conditions with prompt, reliable and professional service. Give us a call for more information.
We treat a variety of problems including:
- Low back pain and sciatica
- Neck pain
- Shoulder and arm pain
- Trapped nerves
- Jaw pain and tension headaches
- Sports injuries
- Hip pain
- Knee and ankle problems
- Repetitive strain
- Arthritic pain
If you have one of these conditions or want to ask if we can help with any other problem, get in touch with us today.

What can you expect at the initial consultation?
In order to assess and diagnose a problem thoroughly, during the first consultation
we will take a detailed case history including a full medical history and record of medication. Then, depending on the location of the problem, we will usually want to make a full physical examination of the spine or the region where there is pain. This may involve undressing to your underwear, or you can wear shorts if you prefer. You are welcome to bring a friend or relative with you into the treatment room if it makes you feel more comfortable.
At the end of the first consultation/examination a detailed explanation of the
At the end of the first consultation/examination a detailed explanation of the
diagnosis and proposed treatment will be given to you. Please do not hesitate to ask
any questions about anything that you do not understand about the proposed treatment. A treatment will then follow unless there is a clinical reason not to
proceed. You will probably be asked to undertake some exercises. Please try to do
these regularly and follow the plan set by the osteopath. If you have any concerns
about an exercise, please contact us.
Treatment reactions:
Post-treatment, most patients feel some improvement but with certain conditions it
is common to feel stiff and sore, this usually lasts around 48–72 hours. Most people describe their reaction as similar to aching and pain felt after exercising. It is
common also to feel tired after a treatment. If you have any concerns about
treatment reactions, please call us. Try to remain active, if possible; this helps your recovery as well as maintaining your mobility.

Whether you are looking for treatment for sciatica or arthritic pain, contact Peter Jones Osteopath on
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